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    24 October 2008

    X-rays generated from sticky tape

    Researchers at UCLA have found that peeling sticky tape in a vacuum generated sufficient x-rays to obtain a radiograph of a finger.
    ref: Camara, C. G., Escobar, J. V., Hird, J. R. & Putterman, S. J. Nature 455, 1089–1092 (2008).
    Nature News Published online 22 October 2008 doi:10.1038/news.2008.1185

    (Thanks to BoingBoing)

    Piero della Francesca and multiplanar recons

    From Piero della Francesca's, De prospectiva pingendi, Book 3, figure lxiv. Casa Editrice Le Lettere

    The brain continues to be represented using projections first devised in Renaissance Italy to illustrate the head; and for the neuroscientist 600 years later, Piero's little known illustrations provide a remarkable legacy of graphic representation that endures to this day

    GD Schott
    Perspectives, The art of medicine: Piero della Francesca's projections and neuroimaging today
    The Lancet 2008; 372:1378-1379

    17 October 2008

    Auctioning Radiology Services

    Jean-Léon Gérôme Slave Auction (c1884)
    A new firm called Telerays has developed a novel Web-based auction approach to teleradiology services that calls for readings to be awarded to the lowest bidder. The company is currently recruiting radiologists to sign up to provide readings and is marketing its services to hospitals and imaging centers.
    Read more in Aunt Minnie
    I find this a bit disturbing, although I haven't exactly figured out why.