I am hosting this month's Radiology Grand Rounds on behalf of Dr Sumer Sethi. An explanation of the general idea can be found in his site:
http://radiologygrandrounds.blogspot.com/Here's my contribution, two cases which I saw recently, an unsuspected
myocardial infarct, and a patient with
superior mesenteric artery syndrome.
Here are some other submissions, one from
GC George, and another from
Chris Depelteau.
"Radiology journal watch" is a new feature at
'You can now view titles for all, and abstracts for most, articles in the current issues or AJR, Radiology and Radiographics at a glance. You can also view the titles for all articles in the current issues of each journal separately by expanding the panels on the main page's lower right (you may need to scroll down a bit). The listings automatically update themselves frequently, so the content is always fresh.'Check it out
Last, but not least, three submissions from the man himself, Sumer:
Gadolinium in renal failure (please also see my entry on this site, three posts down from this one, dated 9 February 2007),
Sumers's attempt to compile all radiology related blogs at one place-
The radiology Blogosphere,
a review of literature on acrominion shape.
The Radiology Grand Rounds archives can be found at